Time’s Up!

My EDS103 Finals e-Journal Time’s up! Today is my last training day in Vietnam. While waiting for the trainees to submit their report, I am writing mine. Our training is from 9 am to 4 pm from Mondays to Fridays.  After my class, I will go straight to the airport to catch my midnight flight to Manila.ContinueContinue reading “Time’s Up!”

My Epistemological Belief about Teaching

  My EDS103 e-Journal about  Epistemology Growing up, my epistemological belief about teaching is that it is an easy profession and an easy course that anyone can take up in college. The difficult ones should be in the field of engineering, sciences, astronomy etc. Our teachers check attendance, have a ready lesson plan, give tests and quizzes andContinueContinue reading “My Epistemological Belief about Teaching”

Fish is Fish

My EDS103 Module 7 Journal “Frogs are frogs and fish is fish and that’s that!” said the frog to the fish in Leo Lionni’s book. I just love this story! This represented successful learning through experience. The fish learned many things in this story: Not all creatures that swim are fish This is an example of disequilibrium. WhenContinueContinue reading “Fish is Fish”


One of my favorite lesson in constructivism is scaffolding. Scaffolding is the guidance provided by the more knowledgeable other (MKO) that fits the current skill of the learner. According to Vygotsky, there is a zone of proximal development (ZPD) where the actualization of learning is at its highest potential. My mother is my perfect example.ContinueContinue reading “Scaffolding”

Total Recall

“Make today an amazing memory” read one of the Giordano shirts. Isn’t it fascinating that today will just be a memory tomorrow? We have to seize the day and take advantage of the opportunity to do good, meet someone, influence others or do things that will matter. Would you want to have the ability toContinueContinue reading “Total Recall”

Believe in Yourself

My EDS103 Module 4 e-Journal Self-efficacy or believing in one’s self is important in distance learning because support and motivation in distance learning are not immediate. So one must thrive and believe that thru reading and studying, you can make it on your own. Although support from the Faculty in Charge or fellow classmates isContinueContinue reading “Believe in Yourself”


EDS103 Module 3 e-Journal In this Module, what I remembered is the Albert experiment and the skinner box. These experiments were done to observe behavior under a controlled condition. My heart goes out to Albert who have been subjected to such experiment. I hope that he was not traumatized during that experiment. The outcome ofContinueContinue reading “Behaviorism”

Intelligence – Nature or Nurture?

My EDS103 Module 2 e-Journal What is intelligence? I thought it is the ability to learn, to answer questions, identify problems and find solutions, create something out of nothing and the ability to know the why, when, where, what and how of things. Some say intelligence is in the “genes”.  Maybe? I met people who wereContinueContinue reading “Intelligence – Nature or Nurture?”